Fall 2021 Announcements

Check this page frequently for announcements about the course. Announcements will also be emailed out to students

(November 10) Reminders

Upcoming Due Dates

Sprint report #6 is due this Sunday, November 14 by 11:59 PM ET on Gradescope The draft of your final presentation is due this Sunday, November 14 by 11:59 PM ET. You do not need to submit anything on Gradescope or Brightspace for the draft because Data Mine staff have access to the presentation links. Your team’s draft should be created via the link sent to your team. Save The Dates

Thanksgiving break (no classes): Wednesday, November 24 - Friday, November 26 Final Presentations for Corporate Partners: the week of Monday, December 6 - Friday, December 10 during your regularly scheduled 50-minute team meeting Finals week: The Data Mine does not have any final exams during finals week, December 13 - 18. All Corporate Partners course work for fall 2021 will be completed by December 10.

Application Links

Apply to The Data Mine for next year fall 2022 - spring 2023. Students have to reapply each academic year to join The Data Mine. datamine.purdue.edu/apply/ Interested in being a TA for Corporate Partners? Have a lighter course load for spring 2022? Apply to be a Corporate Partners TA for one of our new teams starting in spring 2022. This would be in addition to being a student in the spring on your current team. You cannot drop your current team to be a TA instead. purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bekXJCxhfSMBD0y

(November 8) DUE in 1 week: Final Presentation Draft

Your fall 2021 final presentation draft is due in 1 week at the end of sprint #6 on Sunday, November 14.

Click on "Content" and "[NEW!] Final presentation" module to view the details. The presentation link was sent to your team email list last Monday, November 1.

(November 1) Fall 2021 Final Presentations

It is time to start working on your fall 2021 final presentation of the semester. There will not be a final exam in The Data Mine Corporate Partners. Instead, you will make a presentation with your team on your fall 2021 progress and plans for spring 2022.

Click on "Content" and "[NEW!] Final presentation" module to view the details.

A draft of the presentation is due at the end of sprint #6. Please use the link sent to your team to create the presentation.

(October 27) Spring 2022 Registration

All Data Mine students (undergraduate and graduate) will be automatically registered for the same Corporate Partners team (3 credits) in spring 2022. All Corporate Partner teams will meet at the same time in spring 2022 as fall 2021.

Undergraduate students will also be added into The Data Mine seminar (1 credit) automatically.

The courses may not show up on your schedule yet, but they will be added before the batch schedule runs. You do not need to take any action on your schedule.

Questions? Email datamine@purdue.edu

(October 5) Friendly reminders

Friendly reminders as we approach the mid-point of fall semester.

  • Turn your camera on for all online meetings. This is a requirement mentioned in the syllabus. It is much more engaging to have a meeting with cameras on. Although your peers see you in person during lab time, the online meeting is the only time your mentors get to interact and see you.

  • Commit to 8 to 10 hours per week this semester towards your Corporate Partners project. Corporate Partners is a 3 credit hour class. Purdue generally recommends that you spend 3 hours per week per credit hour you are enrolled in. The general weekly breakdown of your time is as follows:

  • 50 minutes per week meeting with your team and your Corporate Partner Mentor

  • 1 hour and 50 minutes per week lab with your team led by your Corporate Partner Peer Mentor (TA)

  • 5 to 7 hours per week working on the project (individually or with teammates)

  • Ask questions! We are here to support you. Your TA, Data Mine staff, and Corporate Partner Mentors are all happy to answer your questions. Don’t fall behind because you don’t understand something; ask so we can help you!

  • Use your lab time wisely. You should not be working on homework for other classes during your Corporate Partner team meetings or lab time.

  • Attend your labs and team meetings. Attendance is required to your team meeting (50 minutes) and lab (1 hour 50 minutes). If you are sick or have an excused absence, please let your TA know.

(October 4) Fall Break Notice

Purdue Fall Break is scheduled for Monday, October 11 and Tuesday, October 12.

There will be no Data Mine meetings or classes on Monday, October 11 and Tuesday, October 12.

All classes and meetings will resume as usual on Wednesday, October 13.

(October 1) End of sprint #3 (week 6)

Deadlines for sprint #3

Sprint #3 will end on Sunday, October 3.

Sprint report #3 has been posted under "Content" > "Sprint #3". Please make sure to download report #3 and submit your answers as a PDF to Gradescope by Sunday, October 3 by 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted and points will be deducted if you submit any other file than a PDF.

**Please make sure to write multiple sentences for each part of question 4 (a, b, and c). You should be clearly documenting how you spent your time these last two weeks. Question 4 is weighted the most out of the sprint report.

Sprint #1 & #2 grades

All grades so far are updated in the grade book. (syllabus quiz, Salesforce Agile training, Agile training quiz, Sprint Report #1, and Sprint Report #2). If you have any questions or concerns about a posted grade, please contact me at betz@purdue.edu

Enjoy homecoming weekend and stay safe!

(September 15) Updates for week 4

Deadlines for sprint #2

Sprint #2 will end on Sunday, September 19.

Sprint report #2 has been posted under "Content" > "Sprint #2". Please make sure to download report #2 and submit your answers as a PDF to Gradescope by Sunday, September 19 by 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted and points will be deducted if you submit any other file than a PDF.

Sprint #1 grades

Grades for the syllabus quiz, Salesforce Agile training, and Agile training quiz are posted. We are still waiting on a few TAs to grade sprint report #1, but grades will be posted shortly. No one has a grade yet for sprint report #1.

Some students have inquired about sprint report #1 showing as "dropped" in the grade book. This is because we will drop your lowest sprint grade at the end of the semester. The grade book automatically drops the first one until all grades are added.

(September 8) Resume & LinkedIn Guidance

It’s recruiting season at Purdue and we know there are upcoming career fairs. Please review the "Resume & LinkedIn Guidance" under "Content" to view links with resume tips and how to list your experience in The Data Mine on your resume.

Remember, the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) offers free resume and CV reviews.

(September 3) Cameras should be ON during online meetings

Please remember that you should turn ON your camera for all online meetings. The Corporate Partner Mentors want to engage in conversation with you and it is much easier when we can see your faces. This is standard “net-iquette” of being on video calls.

Have a great weekend and please come next week to your online 50 minute meetings with your cameras on.

(August 31) Deadlines for Sprint #1

Sprint #1 started on August 23 and will end on Sunday, September 5. The following are due by Sunday, September 5 at 11:59 PM ET.

Syllabus Quiz Salesforce Agile Training Module Agile in The Data Mine Quiz Sprint Report #1 Monday, September 6 is Labor Day so there will be no classes and no Corporate Partner meetings.

(August 22) First week jitters

To anyone feeling nervous about your first week in The Data Mine, one of our TAs shared this. I hope this eases your mind that this is a learning environment and we are here to support you. Please know that you are always welcome to ask questions to The Data Mine staff, your TA, your Corporate Partner mentor, or your peers. We hope you have a phenomenal year learning in The Data Mine.

"To anyone who feels nervous, I want to stress that this program is, by definition, a learning community. Last year my team had both PhD students and freshmen who had never taken a coding class in their life, and we created a space for everyone to learn, grow, and excel. We have worked very hard to ensure that people from all backgrounds and levels of experience are welcome. I promise if you put in genuine effort, you will have the resources you need to succeed."" ~Current TA, past Data Mine student

(August 15) Welcome to The Data Mine Corporate Partners!

Hello, and welcome to The Data Mine Corporate Partners! (STAT 190/290/390 The Data Mine & STAT 598 Data Science in Industry).

To get started, please click on "Sprint #1" on the left hand column. It includes the syllabus, where to go for your class time, and your first assignments.

If you have questions, please email datamine@purdue.edu and include "Corporate Partners question: [your team name]" in the subject line to help you get the fastest response.

We look forward to working with you this academic year!